以下是關于Unimotor FM U3/E3替換要點:
Main Points (but not all) in crossover:
1、Unimotor fm U3/E3電機機械安裝即法蘭部分尺寸與U2/E2電機完全相同
There are 100% mechincal mounting replacements for any existing field installed models.
2、某些尺寸Unimotor fm U3/E3電機整體長度較U2/E2電機有所減少,這使得電機插頭的位置與法蘭面的距離相應縮短,在一些
with the new Unimotor fm U3/E3 models the motor length decreases on some of the frames, the cable connectors move
closer to the motor faceplate.
3、如需Unimotor fm U2/E2準確的轉換后訂貨號或型號,請毫不猶豫拿起電話聯系艾默生CT代理商上海綠創,
to get the new upgrade type or order number of the Unimotor fm U2/E2, please feel free to contact the dealer of Control Techinques,
hot number:400-021-5108
4、如需獲得新的Unimotor fm U3/E3伺服馬達資料,請點擊如下鏈接進行下載或聯系上海綠創客服人員。
to get the lastest Unimotor fm U3/E3 servo motor brochures, please click the link below to download or contact our sevice person.
需要維修已經停產多年的Unimotor UM及剛開始進入停產的Unimotor FM U2/E2伺服電機的客戶,請直接聯系中國區艾默生CT
授權維修服務中心 - 上海綠創,我司將保證繼續為客戶提供10年期的伺服電機備件供應。
Any customer need to repair the old Unimotor UM and Unimotor FM U2/E2 servo motor, please contact the local sevice &
repair dealer--- Shanghai Lvchuang. We are committed to continue to provide customers with 10 years of servo motor spare parts supply.